Crown Warranty?

Sharing questions taken from Dr. Rubin’s “Ask the Dentist” Home News column.
Q: A porcelain crown just chipped. It was put in four years ago. I have since switched dentist about three years ago. Do you think the doctor who did the work would replace or repair it at no charge?
A: It would be great if dental work had a warranty, good for 5 years or 15,000 chews. Unfortunately, this does not exist. Normally, if there is an issue with any dental work, including a crown, the concern will show up within a month or two. At that point, the dental professional should make good on the work. It is equally important to mention that the patient keeps up with routine examinations and cleanings so that the dentist or hygienist can spot any concerns early. I believe in your case of not seeing the original dentist for four years, and your switch to a new dentist, you are on your own. My suggestion would be to wait one more year and see if your dental insurance will pay a portion after 5 years to replace the crown.
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